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What is Yoga?

Ocean Rocks

The yoga system emerged out of the intense need to liberate oneself from the tyrannical riddles of life. Yoga, as many other philosophical systems of India, is a Moksha sastra, a science of liberation. It is not a system shrouded and structured in cryptic mysticism. In fact the ethical and philosophical insights of Yoga, if imbibed in its true sense guide one through the trials and tribulations life protecting the inherent integrity and harmony of the self. 


The system of yoga is built over the centuries by a long line of Indian sages derived from the experiential occurrences of yogic practices which were observed, analyzed and documented for the posterity.


The yoga of Patanjali, derived from the Samkhya school of Indian darsanas and the Hatha yoga tradition of yoga, even though on the outset takes recourse to divergent methods to bring about meditative transcendental states in the practitioner, in fact guides to the same goal of total liberation or kaivalya.




Correct, sensible, suitable and regular practice of the methods advocated in the tradition of yoga transforms the sadhaka(Practitioner) to a truly harmonious state both psychologically and physiologically.


While sage Patantali explains ways and means to purify the mind with the mind for the discovery of the purusha or the seer personality in us veiled by the false notions on life, the Hatha yoga tradition elucidates the methods to control, manipulate and purify prana or life force in us to achieve a refined higher altered state of awareness culminating in unconditional absolute joy.


Even though there are many streams of yoga, the yoga of Patanjali often called Raja yoga, and the hatha yoga tradition as popularized by Nath yogis are the most popular. 


Lyfistry follows and propagates the uplifting practical insights of the yoga of Patanjali and the tangible, practical and verifiable practices of Hatha yoga suited for the modern day sadhaka (Practitioner)  as guidance to a pleasant state of mind tackling the stresses of life within and without leading to citta prasadanam, the blissful state of consciousness.   

Giving a Lecture

Become Lyfistry Yoga instructor by completing our “Sikshana” program. Teachers/ Instructors who had successfully completed Teacher Training Certification (TTC) or equivalent are eligible for this program. For further details

contact us.

Practicing Yoga

Learn yoga in its own form. Lyfistry follows and propagates the uplifting practical insights of the yoga of Patanjali and the tangible, practical and verifiable practices of Hatha yoga suited for the modern day sadhaka (Practitioner)  as guidance to a pleasant state of mind tackling the stresses of life within and without leading to citta prasadanam, the blissful state of consciousness.    

Morning Rush Hour

Keeping in mind the lifestyle of corporates, Lyfistry has designed various programs for corporate professionals. These programs will help you in attaining clarity in mind which will help in stress management and increases the productivity at workplace.  Book your workshop/ classes to experience the tranquility.  

Female Speaker

Youth build the nation. The philosophy of yoga strengthens the mind of the youth and guide them in the path of enlightenment. Lyfistry aims in spreading the light of yoga to the youth. We conduct various workshops, classes and lectures in Institutions on yoga. Click the link below to book our services.

Yoga Class

Workshops on the practical application of the philosophical insights of the yoga of Patanjali and the tangible verifiable aspects of the tradition of hatha yoga is conducted in order to bring about a tranquil stress free state of mind to take up the challenges of the times cheerfully in optimism and produce desired results at the personal and professional levels.

Our Yoga Programs



Foundation Course

Lyfistry Yoga foundation course is designed for beginners and for those who would like to resume yoga practice. 

Please note that Foundation course is mandatory before taking up regular courses.
Duration: Three weeks.



2 days (2 hours each)

•    Learn Traditional yoga
•    Introduction to yoga concepts of Patanjali
•    Practical application of yoga darshana 
•    Yoga for serene mind and healthy body
•    Philosophy of yoga 



Music and Yoga (2 hours)

•    Introduction to yoga asana
•    Introduction to yoga philosophy
•    Introduction to Indian music
•    Learn a song
•    Philosophy of yoga and raga
•    Meditation 



Pranayama and Meditation (2 hours)

•    Introduction to yogic breathing
•    Introduction to different types of pranayama
•    Basic asanas
•    Yoga philosophy
•    Meditation 




Mindful Meditation (2 hours)

•    Practical approach to meditation
•    Learn to live in the present
•    Take away stress
•    Make meditation part of your daily life
•    Experience the blissful state




Sun Salutations ( 3 days - 2 hours each)

•    Introduction to Suyra namaskar (Sun salutations)
•    Benefits of surya namaskar
•    Art of perfection of posture
•    Philosophy and science of surya namaskar
•    Meditation 
Duration: Three days (2 Hours)


Training program for teachers who had completed Teacher training course in yoga.

This program is mandatory to become Lyfistry yoga teacher.
Duration: 2 days (Two Hours each day)

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